Cash pooling

Cash pooling
The centralized cash management is performed by the load of the subsidiaries’ bank account balances (Sub-accounts) to the centralizing account of the holding (Master Account).
Effective management
Maximum effective management and use of idle funds, concentration of daily financial resources.
Save time
Saving time and operating costs instead of multiple separate account management
Utilize benefit
Maximum profit on the Master account, reduced overdraft interest.
General Info
- Unlimited number of sub-accounts
- Flexible selection of amounts to be concentrated or separation between the accounts at such levels as maximum/ minimum limit/ specific amount
- Management of a Master account and consolidation of separate sub-accounts into the Master account
- Automatic separation of money at beginning and concentration of money at the end of the day between the Master account and the Sub-accounts
Groups, Corporations and those with nationwide network of sales (subsidiaries/affiliate)
- Following VIB regulations
- Please contact your nearest VIB's Branch or Customer Service Center by hotline 1900 2200 (1,000 đ/min) for more details
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